Business Structures & Asset Protection
Appropriate business structures are fundamental to effective management
Choosing the right business structure is crucial for managing daily operations, optimizing tax strategies, and safeguarding assets. At Targett Wellman we collaborate closely with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your business. This allows us to provide tailored advice on tax management and compliance, ensuring all aspects of your operations are integrated and efficient. Additionally, we deliver insightful financial reporting to support effective budgeting and cash flow management. Our approach equips your business for future growth, potential sale, or seamless succession planning.

Our services include:

Consultation for selection of the appropriate entity for your circumstances, including coordination of business name and registration of your Australian Company Number (ACN) and Australian Business Number (ABN) along with registration as required for Tax File Number, GST and FBT

Coordination of company, trust and self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) documentation
Advice for directors including selecting directors and understanding the obligations imposed on them


Advice for limiting the personal exposure of business owners.
Asset ownership both now and as it applies to your estate
Business structures as businesses evolve and your circumstances change
Corporate governance analysis and implementation of internal controls to safeguard against fraud, pilfering and other misconduct